Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



Jashore-Jhenaidah road in a sorry state

The 45-kilometre road connecting Jashore and Jhenaidah districts has been in a dilapidated state for quite a while. The road is currently under a project to upgrade it to six lanes, according to sources at the Bangladesh Road Transport Authority.…

Nahid denies claims of internet shutdown in CHT

Posts, Telecommunication and Information Technology Adviser Md Nahid Islam today said internet was not shut down by the government in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) during yesterday’s violence in Khagrachhari and Rangamati. “There were isolated instances of temporary internet disruption…

How we eat is more important than what we eat

Calorie count? Check. Green vegetables? Check. Probiotics? Check. Protein? Check. We’ve become meticulous about what’s on our plate, and that’s a positive shift. Being mindful of what we consume is the first step towards a healthier, more conscious lifestyle. But…
